‘Come here’ pain whispered, ‘sit with me’, she said
Dear Pain, for a long time I brushed you off, avoiding your thunder, keeping you so far in my heart, a place where I often visited with a drink or two or ten, and then came the star of my very own show, I call her acknowledgment.,., And now Pain, Sometimes I wear you on my sleeve like you are my own, I carry you so gently and treat you with immense kindness, I allow you to wash away all my laughter and invite your sorrow but most importantly I sit with you, I embrace your colors, let your memories flow through my body and eventually I go through you and then slowly you are gone. But first, in order to let you go, I must sit with you. ‘Come here’ pain whispered, ‘sit with me’, she said | series🫀 Now my dear audience, the tunes, melodies, nature, rain elements you hear are sounds that I had collected on my journey through the earth and placed them together on here so gently for your ears.